cash flow charts

What are Cash Flow Charts?

Cash flow diagrams are visual representations of revenue and spending over a period of time. A horizontal line with markers at various time intervals forms the basis of the diagram. Expenses and expenditures are displayed at the proper moments. The circulation of money in and out of a business is referred to as cash flow. […]

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Payroll tax problems

The IRS views failing to pay payroll taxes as the cardinal sin of tax delinquency because a large portion of the payroll taxes are your employees’ withholdings. Not paying your company’s payroll taxes is tantamount to stealing your employees’ money in the eyes of the IRS. As a result, penalties for failing to pay your […]

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What is Payroll Processing?

Processing payroll means compensating employees for their work. It involves calculating total wage earnings, withholding deductions, filing payroll taxes and delivering payment. These steps can be accomplished manually, but an automated process is usually more accurate and efficient and may help you comply with various Are you’re a small business with only a few employees […]

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Business Taxes

Bussines Tax means any Tax (except for federal income, state income or franchise, and local and foreign gross or net income) including interest, penalties, and other assessments thereon that is attributable to Operations of SPINCO or members of the SPINCO Group for a tax period ending prior to or including the Effective Date. BUSINESS TAX […]

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Tax Return

What Is a Tax Return?

A tax return is a form or forms filed with a tax authority that reports, expenses, income and other pertinent tax information. Tax returns allow taxpayers to calculate their tax liability, schedule tax payments, or request refunds for the overpayment of taxes. In the United States, tax returns are filed with the Internal Revenue Service […]

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Restaurant accounting

• Restaurant accounting Many restaurateurs try to avoid accounting for restaurants, but it is an essential element of running a business. Restaurant accounting is the process of interpreting and analyzing the revenue, cash flow, inventory, and income statements of a restaurant. It allows you to document all financial transactions of your business and determine its […]

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5 Reasons why bookkeeping is important for  business

Firstly we will  tall you what is bookkeeping; Bookkeeping involves the recording, on a regular basis, of a company’s financial transactions. With proper bookkeeping, companies are able to track all information on its books to make key operating, investing, and financing decisions. Bookkeeping is key keeping accurate financial records. It can be the difference between […]

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